Lecturer in
Musicology. Music Theory (18th-19th centuries)” at the Faculty of Music Studies of the University of Athens
(personal website:
He was born in Athens in 1976. In 1989 he
began his music
lessons in the Municipal Conservatory of Kalamata, wherein he took
the degrees in Harmony (1994), Counterpoint (1996), Fugue (1998),
and Piano (1998). In 1994 he joined the Department of Musical
Studies (now the Faculty of Music Studies) of the University of
Athens, from where he graduated in 1999, and in which defended
successfully his Doctoral Dissertation in Musicology in 2005 (Slow
movements in sonata forms in the classic era. A contribution to the
evolution of genres and structural types through the works of Haydn,
Mozart, and Beethoven).
He is a member of the Editorial Board
as well as of the Advisory Board
of both the journals Polyphonia and Musicologia. He has also participated in the Greek RIPM
group (Répertoire
International de la Presse Musicale / Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals,
1800-1950), in scientific meetings and international congresses, he has published
several articles and translations in various musicological journals and music periodicals as well as in other
scientific publications, and he has contributed for several years to programme notes for the Athens Concert
Hall (Megaron) and the Athens State Orchestra. After the circulation of two books translated by him in
Greek (Nicholas Cook, Music:
A Very Short Introduction, 2007; Constantin Floros, Gustav
Mahler – Visionär und Despot. Porträt einer Persönlichkeit,
2010), his original study entitled The
two piano sonatas of Dimitri Mitropoulos: From late romanticism to
National School of Music was published by “Panas music” in
His research interests include the following fields:
theory of music forms (from
18th to 21st centuries), the evolution
of instrumental music genres
and forms in the baroque, classic and romantic era, music
analysis and morphology.
Papachristopoulos is a Doctor of Musicology (Dr. Phil. / PhD) of the
University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln) in Germany. He
has completed his undergraduate studies in Musicology – Philosophy
– Pedagogy as well as his postgraduate degree (Magister artium /
Master of Arts) in Musicology at the same university. He is an
alumnus of the Higher Musical Faculty of Cologne (Musikhochschule Köln),
where he received a double degree (Diplom) in Composition and Theory
of Music. Moreover, he has completed the Superior Theoretical
Courses at the National Conservatory of Athens, the Conservatory of
Piraeus and Patras Conservatory, being, as a result, the holder of
degrees of Fugue, Counterpoint and Harmony as well as of a diploma
and a degree in Byzantine Music.
2008 he is a lecturer at the University of Cologne in the sector of
Historic Musicology at the department of Musicology, direction of
Contemporary Music (Music
of the Present).
has published several articles and entries in renowned magazines and
dictionaries in the area of Musicology and he has participated in
many scientific seminars and international conferences and
symposiums. His research and teaching interests include
compositional-analytical and theoretic-aesthetic issues and
reflections regarding Contemporary Music and Byzantine Music.
in Musicology (University of Athens). She was born in Athens. She
studied piano and music theory at the Hellenic Conservatory of Music,
where she was awarded with diplomas in Counterpoint, Harmony and
Certificate for music teachers. After graduating from the Faculty of
Music Studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
she successfully defended her Doctoral Dissertation in Musicology (Greek
music periodicals in the interwar (1925-1934). Issues of music life
and education).
For several years, she was a professor at the Greek-French School of
Ursulines, and since 1998 she’s been employed in public education.
Two of her research papers can be found at the Music Library of
Greece “Lilian Voudouri” at the Athens Concert Hall (Megaron).
She is also one of the first members of the Greek group of the
international research programme RIPM (Répertoire
International de la Presse Musicale / Retrospective Index to Music
Periodicals, 1800-1950).
Trikoupis studied music in Athens (Piano Diploma under professor
Dimitris Toufexis, Composition Diploma under professor Giannis
Ioannidis, Harpsichord Diploma under professor Thomas Karachalios)
and mechanical engineering at the National Technical University of
Athens. He completed his piano studies at the Conservatoire Europeén
de Musique de Paris, under Chantal Stigliani, and his composition
studies at the Music University of Graz, under Beat Furrer and Georg
Friedrich Haas (Magister der Künste). Subsequently, he
accomplished his doctoral studies in the Faculty of Music Studies,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, under the supervision of
professor Evi Nika-Sampson, and was nominated Doctor of Musicology
– Musical Education.
an artist (director of choir, orchestra and music ensembles, soloist
of the piano, harpsichord, and as a composer), he has cooperated
with many artistic societies, such as the Academic Symphonic
Orchestras of the Trakya University, and the N.T.U.A., the
University of Bielefeld, the Greek Ensemble of Contemporary Music,
the Ensemble Neuer Music of the Music University of Graz, the Musik
Forum and Hörfest of the City of Graz, the Association of Greek
Academics in Berlin, the Union of Greek Composers, the Athens
Concert Hall, the International Trade Fair of Thessaloniki, the
French-Greek Association of Athens, the Goethe Institute, the
American College of Greece, as well as with several German-Greek
associations et al.
is teaching at the Faculty of Music Studies, A.U.TH.
was born in 1984. He has a Master in “Musical culture and
communication. Anthropological and communicational approaches of
music” from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He
graduated from the Department of Traditional Music of the
Technological Educational Institute of Epirus with musical
specialization in Lute. He also has a degree in classical guitar. He
has worked as an editor of the Musical Archive of the Hellenic
Broadcasting Corporation (ERT S.A.). He is interested in aesthetics
and ideology of arts.
George Vlastos
was born in Athens in 1974. He studied piano at the Conservatory of
Athens and musicology at the Faculty of Music Studies of the
University of Athens, and graduated from both in 1997. Subsequently,
in 1998 he received a Master’s Degree in Musicology (D.E.A) from
the University of Sorbonne (Paris IV). In 2005 he received his
doctorate from the University of Athens; his doctoral thesis is
entitled: “The Reception of Greek Antiquity in Early 20th-century
French Music: 1900-1918”. He is editor in chief of the Greek musicological journal Polyphonia
and member of the RIPM Greek team (Répertoire International
de la Presse Musicale / Retrospective Index to Music Periodicals,
1800-1950). He collaborates regularly with the editorial department
of Megaron
– the Athens Concert Hall – and has participated in several
international musicological congresses in Greece and abroad as
member of the organizing committee and speaker. His publications
include essays in edited books, articles and book reviews in Greek
and international academic journals. He has also edited books and
conference proceedings and has translated essays that appeared in
academic publications in Greece and abroad.